Thursday, 27 September 2012

DARK AND PROUD- Letter from a Dark Skinned Father to his Daughter

Dear daughter,

I have seen dismay in your eyes, when you look 

at yourself in the mirror. What do you see? Is 

that dismay because of your brown skin that

 clings to your bones?

Remember, you are not fair, but you are lovely.

  Just like fair girls, you have a heart and a 

soul that have no colour. Just like those fair 

girls, you have immense potential in you to be 

whatever you want to be, don’t feel left behind 

in the race, just because you have a different 

color.  You have a gorgeous smile and a 

vibrant personality that is much beyond your 

skin color.

I believe you live in an imperfect world, just

 like me and your mother. You have grown up

 in a society, where colour of your skin is 

considered a better indicator of your beauty 

than the person within.

 People will avoid you because you are darker 

than them but only you can change it. Be 

proud of what defines you, what completes you

 and what you always carry with yourself.

That colour hugs your soul and makes you 

what you are and you should love it back. Why?

 Simply because it is yours. You were born with

 it and you will die with it.

You have the colour of the rich chocolate you 

love and so does everybody else. 

As a child you always craved for brown eyes.  So

 what makes you sad about your beautiful 

brown skin? Your dark skin is the right skin 

and your brown color is the color of beauty.  

Take pride in being different, respect your 

color that reflects grace and love yourself.

 Fair and lovely? Blah! Be dark and proud!

Love you always

Your Daddy.